Date of birth: 02/04/2017
- Pascal was living at showers of Lake Victoria with his parents who were both HIV AIDS positive; father of Pascal was fisherman. He was carrying out fishing as his economic activity to support his family, due to being affected by AIDS he could not do fishing well because of his life status could not hold the situation on lake during fishing , this affected his family a lot because could not be able to provide them.
- Pascal became malnulshed because he was not eating well and he was every time affect by various sickness, whenever we went to this village we could find Pascal sick. We took Pascal to hospital for treatment and fortunately, he was HIV negative.
- Pascal is now having good life with quality education and good care at our home, he love going to school and associate with his friends.
- Through your support, masaka kids Africana will help Kabanda Pascal to achieve a better future.
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