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Sponsor this Child


Gender: MALE

Date of birth:  10/10/2021


- Ian Kikomeko’s father was a fisher man on one of fishing site at kaziru, unfortunately he couldn’t manage to make it through because he was swept away by lake and he left Ian with her mother when he was 4years. A single mother with no job and she was HIV positive, she faced a great challenge to raise Ian Kikomeko In such condition, later the mother died and left Ian with granny, is where we found Ian when he could not go to school and the condition was very bad because the granny was too old she could only afford provide him food and shelter.

- Ian Kikomeko now found a place to live of masaka kids family with loving mother care taker.

- Ian is now having good education and he loves studying

- Ian loves discovering new things and he loves sciences a lot, when he grow up he wants to be a sojjor and protect his country

- Ian Kikomeko loves GOD a lot and on Sunday he wants to attend church service with his Christian brothers and sisters of masaka kids Africana family

- Thank you for your financial support which help masaka kids Africana to provide better home to Ian Kikomeko.

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